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Women’s health is an important issue for females everywhere. If you’re a female who wants to maintain glowing health (and happiness) for many years, you should regularly receive regular checkups and screenings. These types of examinations can often detect potential medical concerns that need to be addressed right away. It’s important for women to get wellness exams on a regular basis. It’s also crucial for women to be attentive to any potential signs of anything that may be out of the ordinary. The American Samoa Department of Health believes women’s health is vital for a healthy society and strives to offer the best care possible. We encourage women to take charge of their health and utilize the services we offer at our various clinics.
Prenatal services available at Tafuna (Mondays to Fridays) and Leone (Tuesdays and Thursdays) CHC include: (1) prenatal registration; (2) first visit baseline ultrasound, fetal anatomy ultrasound at 18-20 weeks AOG, fetal growth ultrasound every 3-4 weeks if indicated including AFI; (3) routine prenatal lab tests such as CBC, blood type + RH, RPR/TPPA, hepatitis B profile, urine culture/urinalysis and HIV counseling/testing, 2hr OGTT blood test at 24 wks AOG; (4) complete prenatal history and physical examination including breast examination, pelvic exam, chlamydia/gonorrhea endocervical swab and pap smear; (5) giving of flu, TDAP and hepatitis B vaccines; (6) regular prenatal follow up for low risk clients until 36 weeks AOG and for high risk but stable and asymptomatic pregnant clients until 32-34 weeks AOG; (7) routine dental exam referral, family planning counseling/referral, STI treatment/counseling/referral, nutrition counseling/referral, tobacco cessation counseling referral, behavioral health counseling/referral when indicated.
Gyne services available at Tafuna (Mondays to Fridays) and Leone (Tuesdays and Thursdays) CHC includes: (1) pelvic/gyn examination including pap smear (2) STI screening and treatment/referral to STI clinic; (3) breast examination;
(4) endometrial biopsy/sampling for AUB/ endometrial cancer screening; (5) Infertility work up; (6) transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound; (7) management of AUB that can be treated/responsive to medical tx and with benign histology, including insertion of Mirena and depo Provera shot if available; (8) obtaining vaginal swab for C & S ( once culture swab is available); (9) treatment of bacterial/fungal/atrophic vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, uncomplicated UTI; (10) removal of IUD; (11) family planning counseling/referral.
Postpartum services are provided daily from Mondays to Fridays at Tafuna CHC and Tuesdays and Thursdays at Leone CHC.
Prenatal registration, prenatal and postpartum follow up services are provided at Amouli CHC every Thursday.
Breast and cervical cancer screening program available every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4-7 pm at Tafuna Women’s Health clinic and every Mondays and Wednesdays at 4-7pm at Fagaalu CHC.
(684) 699-6380
(684) 699-6381
(684) 699-6383
Tafuna, Leone, Fagaalu, and Amouli Clinics